PF also injure Police officer, smash vehicle

One police officer has been seriously injured while a Police motor vehicle has been smashed during the confusion which occured today at the Patriotic Front Secretariat in Lusaka.

This occured when police officers responded to a report that some Patriotic Front caders had descended on Innocent Kalimanshi who had gone to the secretariat where the party had a political activity.

Police who rushed to the scene had their motor vehicle smashed in the process of whisking Kalimanshi away as the caders begun throwing stones at the Police Vehicle and one officer was injured on the jaw. Caders later damaged Kalimanshi’s motor vehicle.

Police have instituted investigations in the matter with the aim of bringing perpetrators of the violence to book. As police we shall not condone any form of violence hence anyone that will be found to have participated in today’s violence shall be dealt with in accordance with the law.

We wish to reiterate our usual call for all political parties to ensure that they hold their political activities peacefully. In instances where some people maybe aggrieved for whatever reason , abrogation of the law should never be an option as it is criminal.

All those that took part in the violence should begin counting their days.



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