By Charles Tembo

THE PF caused a lot of damage to this country which cannot be mended within a short time, says Abraham Phiri.

And Phiri, the Copperbelt Advocates for Justice and Peace executive director, says the UPND government is lacking an effective communication strategy to talk to Zambians.

Reflecting on the life of former president Rupiah Banda, Phiri noted that in 2011 the PF inherited a sound economy.

“The problem is that this PF is clueless and so arrogant. These chaps will never learn. PF caused a lot of damage to this country which cannot be mended within a short time., which Zambians have to endure, unfortunately,” he said.

“Look in 2011 when the PF won elections, everything was good. The economy was good. The dollar/kwacha was on firm ground. That is why when PF and Michael Sata won the elections, they started projects. But unfortunately when Sata died, things started to change. We saw the unprecedented borrowing. That is when we started to see boys have money like never before. So it is the PF and Lungu who collapsed this country.”

Phiri said the people of Zambia would have to endure a lot before things come to normal.

But Phiri said the UPND has not done well in explaining to the people of Zambia challenges being faced.

“I blame the UPND also for not having a sound communication strategy. They can’t continue to mention the PF all the time. Zambians know that it is the PF that collapsed this country and that is the reason why the people voted the PF out. So for the government and the UPND to continue mentioning the PF every day, it does not make sense. Zambians know who to blame,” said Phiri.

“So we expect nothing from PF. It is the UPND that should give us what the people voted for.”


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