PF did not inform us of its illegalities – Registrar of Societies


PF did not inform us of its illegalities – Registrar of Societies

THE Registrar of Societies says The Societies’ Act has no provisions which empowers it to compel a political party to hold a convention.

It charged that it has not intervened in the illegal actions of the PF because the said illegitimate actions and activities were not officially communicated to the office of Registrar of Societies.

PF matero member of parliament Miles Sampa has sued the Registrar of Societies and the State in the Lusaka High Court for not taking a hand in the party’s infighting on who replaces Edgar Lungu at the much anticipated general conference.

He wants the court to compel the PF to hold the extraordinary general conference within 30 days from the date of the judgement, in accordance with the party constitution for members to elect the party leader and 25 members of the central committee.

Sampa is seeking an order that the failure by the Registrar of Societies to intervene in the blatant abrogation of the PF constitution is a dereliction of duty and failure to exercise its authority provided for in the Registrar of Societies Act.

He argues that the Registrar of Societies has failed to sanction the party for not holding an extraordinary general conference after Lungu relinquished his position as the PF boss, upon losing power in the August 12,2021 polls.

But in its defense the Registrar of Societies stated that the Society’s Act requires every society to have a constitution but does not create repercussions for any institution’s failure to abide by its own constitution.

“The Registrar of Societies has moved to request for a list of office bearers in accordance with the provisions of the Societies’ Act in a bid to ensure that the PC complies with the Societies’ Act and with its own party constitution,” It explained.

It said that it has taken such a step with a motive to compel the PF to hold elections, because the Societies’ Act compels Societies to have office bearers in place and to give notification of any changes.

By Mwaka Ndawa



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