…says the UPND have no message for the people of Luampa apart from insults. Chieftainess Mwenetete of the Nkoya speaking people of Luampa district in Western Province says the Patriotic Front is headed for victory whether the UPND likes it or not.

And her Royal Highness has charged that Luampa constituency will be the first victory point for the PF in Western Province.

Speaking when PF Secretary General Hon Davies Mwila paid a courtesy call on her today, Chieftainess Mwenetete charged that the opposition UPND have no message to tell the people apart from insulting her and the PF party.

She however stated that she is not surprised by the insults being showered on her by the UPND because they have always been against her ascendancy to the Mwenetete throne.

Her Royal Highness also told the PF Secretary General that the people of Luampa have resolved to vote for the ruling party because the UPND have failed to deliver for the past five years they have been in power.

And Chieftainess Mwenetete has appealed to President Lungu to commission the recently constructed district hospital before the August 12 polls.

“Sir when you go back to Lusaka, ask His Excellency President Edgar Lungu to come to Luampa and Commission the district hospital which his government has delivered to the people of Luampa,” she said.

“Our friends in the UPND have nothing to sonta for the past five years they held the Luampa Parliamentary seat apart from using insulting language,” Chieftainess Mwenetete added.

And PF Secretary General Hon Davies Mwila said he is grateful with the support the traditional leader has given to President Lungu and the party.

Hon. Mwila also assured her Royal Highness that the PF is following the Pandemic health guidelines as guided by the Ministry of Health and the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ).

The PF Chief Executive Officer stressed that the PF shall stick to its issue based campaigns adding that the party is aware that the UPND are desperate because they know that Western Province which they claimed was their bedroom has gone to the PF.

And the Mwenetete Kuta has also declared its total support for President Lungu and the PF government.

The Kuta noted that Luampa district has benefited from the many developmental projects that the PF government under the leadership of President Lungu has shared across the country.

The Kuta named some of the programs that have been received in Luampa aimed at reducing poverty as the social cash transfer scheme, drilling of boreholes, rural electrification and early distribution of farming inputs among others.

The Kuta has since assured Hon. Davies Mwila of their massive support in the August polls adding that the Kuta is working with all village headmen and the community in drumming up support for President Lungu and the PF.

Later, the PF Secretary General addressed party officials and adopted candidates in Luampa where he advised them not to get carried away with the massive support the party has received in Luampa and Western Province in general.

Hon. Mwila urged the officials to ensure that they reach to everyone in Luampa in order to secure the PF victory in the Province.

Hon. Mwila however expressed happiness that PF is not the same party it used to be during the 2016 general election in Western Province when the region was considered as a UPND stronghold.

The Secretary General was accompanied by Member of the Central Committee Hon Peter Kazhila, Western Province acting chairman Glen Kalimbwe, National mobilization Secretary Brian Mununka, Secretariat Director Administration Alick Tembo, Media Director Antonio Mwanza and other party officials.


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