Davies Mwila


LUSAKA, Tuesday, 15th June, 2021.

The decision by the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) to ban the Patriotic Front along side the UPND from conducting political campaigns in Lusaka, Namwala, Mpulungu and Nakonde is UNFAIR and UNJUST against the Patriotic Front which is actually a victim of the UPND reign of terror and violence.

The UPND have gone on rampage, burning vehicles, beating and even killing our members in places such as Nalikwanda, therefore, it is unfair and unjust for the Electoral Commission of Zambia to punish PF for the violent crimes that the UPND have been committing. The Electoral Commission of Zambia should punish the PERPETRATORS and NOT the VICTIMS of political violence.

We also want to register our utmost DISAPPOINTMENT and DISPLEASURE with the manner in which the Zambia Police have been handling the issue of political violence. The police have lamentably FAILED to enforce the law on UPND cadres who have been unleashing violence on innocent Zambians in full view of the Zambia Police.

Instead of arresting the violent UPND cadres, the Zambia Police have decided to turn a blind eye to such acts of violence.

We want to stress that the Zambia Police have been unprofessional and ineffective in the manner they have been handling issues of violence that have been caused by the UPND.

We call upon the Electoral Commission of Zambia to rescind its blanket decision and instead ban the UPND who are the culprits of political violence and not the Patriotic Front which has been a victim of political violence.

Thank you.

Issued by

Hon. Davies MWILA
PF Secretary General


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