…as he challenges government to tell Zambians which middlemen are stealing k11 on each purchased Litre of Fuel!

LUSAKA, Friday, April 1, 2022 (SMART EAGLES)

PATRIOTIC Front (PF) party Acting President Hon Given Lubinda says there is no justification for the price of fuel in the country to be over K26.

Hon Lubinda said the international fuel prices today, are $110 per barrel which could translate to roughly under K17 per litre in Zambia.

“I have said this before that if we were stealing K3 at a fuel price of k15, now that the price of fuel is K26 tell us who is stealing the K11.

“They told us that they will reduce the middlemen, have they done it? Instead, they have even closed Indeni which was supposed to be getting cheaper crude oil to come and refine it in Zambia.,” he said.

Hon Lubinda said the Country is being Governed by business people whose interest is not to serve the citizens.

He said this is why a foreign company has been contracted to supply ZESCO with Poles when that can be done in Zambia.

Hon Lubinda was speaking in Lusaka today, when he went to show solidarity to Hon Raphael Nakacinda who appeared before the Lusaka Magistrates Court in a matter were he is alleged to have defamed the President.

Hon Lubinda said from what has transpired, it is clear that the State is not ready to proceed with the matter.

He said it is important for the state to only prosecute when it is ready to do so. He has wondered how many Zambians will be living on police bond or bail.

“What every ordinary thinking Zambian would have expected from President HH was that he would make it clear that ‘I have been against this law so I would not want it to be applied in my name.’ He has allowed this case to take off when he himself was against the law which arrests people on the grounds of defaming the President. This is playing double standards,” he said

Meanwhile, Hon Lubinda said the party will certainly form Government in 2026.

Hon Lubinda said the party is just on leave from Governing and is building towards becoming the only alternative in the country.

He has since hailed the unity exhibited by PF Members in good and bad times.


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