Police in Lusaka have Arrested and detained outspoken Chipangali PF member Maxson Nkhoma

Max Nkhoma took himself after a phone call from the police commissioner. He appeared at Police force headquarters at exactly 10hrs in the company of his counterpart honorable Shumba Kennedy Councilor for Chipangali ward and six other PF party officials from Chipangali District.

Upon his arrival he was directed to go straight to room 45 for questioning which lasted for about 3 hours and was later detained 13:45hrs he is currently detained in the Police Cells at RidgeWay Police holding cells.

He is charged with two counts. In the first count he is alleged to have defermed his MP Vincent Mwale Chipangali MP.

It is explained in the first count that, he Max Nkhoma between January and February 2020 appearing on Prime TV and charged that Vincent Mwale had caused serious confusion in the ruling Patriotic Front in Chipangali district to the extent of pushing out all original staunge PF members after finding fortunes in the rulling Patriotic Front.

In the second count, Max Nkhoma is alleged to have defamed Vincent Mwale Chipangali MP through an audio in where Max was lamenting on issues sorrounding Eastern chiefs and was later found posted in the PF internal blogs in Eastern Province.


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