By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba


Lusaka-Thursday, 22nd June 2023

Members of Parliament of the Patriotic Front are on the quest to search for Patriotic Front Member and blogger, Rizwani Patel who was abducted by the Police from Petauke District on Wednesday, 21st June 2023.

He has been detained by the Police at an unknown place and his family has been searching for him since yesterday.

The Members of Parliament have visited Woodlands Police Station, Richard Kachingwe Police Post, Ridgeway Police Post, Kabwata Police and Longacres Police Station and Rizwani Patel has not been found.

Earlier a PF BLOGGER, Thomson Phiri was released after being detained for over 13days.

Phiri was abducted from Meanwood Home and kept away from his family and lawyers.

The MPs searching for Rizwani Patel included; Hon. Brian Mundubile, Hon. Kampampa Mulenga, Hon. Brenda Nyirenda, Hon. Francis Kapyanga, Hon. Lucas Silomba ,Hon. Tasila Lungu, Hon. Francis Kapyanga, Hon. Marjory Nakaponda and Hon. George Chisanga.

Others includedPF MCCs Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba,Hon. Mundia Mundale and Hon. Frank Ngambi.

Rizwani Patel


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