Sibongile Mwamba

BENEFITS for ditching UPND for PF have started trickling in for Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba aka as his daughter has clinched an almost sure path to Parliament with an adoption by the ruling party as PF Kasama Central Candidate in the 12 August, 2021 polls.

The hefty former UPND vice-president had previously handed over his seat to his daughter Sibongile but she tumbled on the UPND ticket to Kelvin Sampa of PF.

However, in a reversal of fortunes, Sampa who lost his National Youth Chairman position has also been discarded and thrown to the clearners in PF adoptions.

GBM joins Dr Micheal Kaingu of Mwandi Constituency in successful daddies who have secured adoptions for their beloved daughters in their former constituencies.

Meanwhile, Sampa joins a sorry but long list of members of parliarment discarded for the coming polls comprising, among others, Commerce Minister Yaluma, Northern Minister Lazarus Chungu, veteran Senga lawmaker Kapembwa Simbao, Works Minister Sylvia Chalikosa, Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone and Deputy Speaker Mwimba Malama.



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