Press statement for immediate release from *Senior Chief Mukuni*

9th October 2020


Fellow citizens,

I am not only issuing out this statement as a Traditional leader, but also as an ordinary citizen who is increasingly becoming troubled and concerned by the dangerous path in which the PF are attempting to take this great country to.

In the human body, the heart is the most important organ because of its critical role as a mover of fluids including blood to the rest of the body. Immediately the heart is interrupted or ceases to carry out this prime function, the body becomes cold and eventually dies. This is precisely what Judge Esau Chulu, Emily Sikazwe and Kryticous Nshindano of ECZ, Home Affairs Minister Steven Kampyongo and PF Secretary General Davis Mwila, are trying to hijack a process in Zambia that is the heartbeat of public affairs, national consensus and peace.

Disturbing the electoral process with all kind of caveats and tricks in order to disrupt the constitutional flow of democracy, and thereby rob certain sections of citizens their right to democratically choose their leaders uninterrupted, is a sure recipe for mayhem for our country. Zambians must be spared of this impending chaos being engineered by the EZC, Home Affairs and the PF.

It’s in the public domain and evidence abound that phase 2 of the issuance of NRC’S for Copperbelt, Lusaka, Western and Southern Provinces are in an absolute chaos, that has been deliberately instigated by the PF. People in these regions are enduring all manner of hurdles deliberately laid by issuing officers under the behest of District Commissioners.

There are credible and verifiable reports of District Commissioners instructing officers to randomly abandon publicized locations for unknown areas, thereby confusing the people. Where NRCs have been issued, such important details of origin of applicant such as Village, Chief or District are deliberately omitted, so that the NRC is invalid for the ultimate purpose of voter registration.

This exercise proves beyond any shadow of doubt that the next stage of voter registration will be earmarked for more well calculated stumbling blocks by the EZC, to ensure that as may people as possible are defranchised. This whole electoral process is a sham, fraudulent, lacks credibility and do not meet the standards of an election that will galvanise consensus, integrity and eminence.

It is in view of the foregoing that I demand that the ECZ, the PF and the Ministry of Home Affairs allow for a credible, transparent and comprehensive review of the current electoral process for the sake of peace for the motherland and the future of the children of Zambia. The EZC must maintain the old voters’ register which the PF have in the past found no problem, in their insatiable appetite for by elections which they have been so proud of. Further, the PF must instruct their violent cadres to cease in interfering in the issuance of the NRC’S at designated locations, and the Minister of Home Affairs Steven Kampyongo must desist from sending his agents to issue contrary and illegal instructions to issuing officers on the ground.

It is for the good of the current government that this exercise is carried out smoothly because should they continue with their illegal schemes, the law will catch up with these particular individuals at a certain point, and none of their giant armoured vehicles with huge guns, teargas and water cannons will save them. We have seen it happen all around the continent, that impunity and arrogance is not infinite and eternal. ‘Chatakamana chaka syoosya’.You can’t defy the force of gravity. Even satan’s hell is below and not above.

*Senior Chief Mukuni* of
the Leya people of Livingstone, Kazungula and Zimba Districts and all the Bene Mukuni.


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