The Patriotic Front has questioned MMD faction leader Nevers Mumba’s intentions behind his election rigging allegation after the just ended by-elections in Lukashya and Mwansabombwe.

During Hot FM’s “What’s hot in the news” program on Tuesday, Dr Mumba claimed that he was informed of a ploy to rig the Lukashya by-election and was aware of it before election day.

Dr Mumba added that he did not report this to ECZ and Zambia Police.

But PF vice national youth chairperson Benjamin Siwila wondered why the opposition leader withheld such information.

He asked what the intent was of raising an alarm after elections had passed instead of reporting to law enforcers before voting day.

Mr Siwila, who wondered why Dr Mumba’s party participated in the just ended by-elections if he knew they were rigged, and demanded that the he reveals the name of informant.

He said in a statement issued to the media today that Dr Mumba knew that withholding information of such serious nature might be tantamount to abetting a crime.

“We have noted with much disappointment the utterances and allegations made by New Hope MMD leader Dr Nevers Mumba in light of the just ended Lukashya and Mwansabombwe by elections. It is of utmost importance that Police and the electoral commission of Zambia take interest in the allegations and get to the crux of the matter,” he said.

“Dr Mumba told the nation on in a phone in interview by Hot FM radio station on Tuesday the 22nd of September 2020 that. He also stated that he did not report this to ECZ and Zambia Police. As a senior statesman, he knows better than to withhold information of such serious nature which might be tantamount to abetting a crime. Electoral malpractice is against the law in Zambia and indeed world over. The nation is left with no choice but to ask the following questions; 1. Why did Dr Mumba withhold this information? 2. What was the intent or purpose of raising alarm after elections had passed? 3. Why did his party (MMD) participate in the by elections if he knew they would be rigged? 4. Would such a man be trusted with instruments of power?”

Mr Siwila said the opposition leader should formally report the matter to Zambia Police Service and the Electoral Commission of Zambia.

He also called on the Zambia Police to pursue the matter in question swiftly and ensure the truth and justice prevail.


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