….as Raphael Nakacinda questions why women in Zambia are quiet on the matter of DPP Lilian Siyuni when their fellow woman is being abused!

LUSAKA, Wednesday, April 13, 2022 (SMART EAGLES)

THE Patriotic Front (PF) party has wondered the powers the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) has to overrule a decision made by a constitutional Officer responsible for discontinuing any criminal case in the Country.

This comes after the decision by DEC to re-arrest Mr Milingo Lungu after a nolle prosequi had been entered by the Director of Public Prosecution Lilian Siyuni.

The matter was followed by a leaked Letter purportedly from State House written by the DPP to DEC Director General Mary Chirwa enquiring why she chose to abrogate the Constitution by deciding to re-arrest Mr Lungu on charges that were discontinued through a Nolle Prosequi.

However, this did not seat well with a section of society mostly UPND sympathisers who have launched a war of words and abuse on the DPP accusing her of siding with Mr Milingo and that that she is a PF aligned individual.

And PF Information and Publicity Chairperson Raphael Nakacinda says the UPND Government is moving on a dangerous path of wanting to politicize everybody.

Hon Nakacinda said the abuse towards the Office of the DPP and the person in that Office is going to haunt the Country for a long time.

Hon Nakacinda said it is unfortunate that the Country has a Government that plays to the gallery in executing its duties.

“The Office of the DPP entered a nolle prosequi and there was a public outcry. Because of the public outcry and having the Government that plays to the gallery everyday, we had director of DEC instructed to re arrest Mr Milingo Lungu to try and manage a public outcry against the Constitutional provision of the Republic of Zambia that provides in article 180 of act No. 2 of 2016 which sets out the powers of the DPP. Article 180 (C) provides as follows; discontinue at any stage before Judgement is delivered Criminal proceedings instituted or undertaken by the Director of Public Prosecution or any other person or Authority,” he said.

Meanwhile, Hon Nakacinda has blasted the Abyudi James Shonga Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) over a statement issued yesterday that the DPP’s was offside.

He has described the mentioned statement as irresponsible and reckless.

Hon Nakacinda said the country misses the George Kunda LAZ that spoke on behalf of the Zambian people and ensured that the Judiciary and the Executive were kept in check.

He has alleged that the Head of State had a meeting with Mr Milingo Lungu to negotiate a deal said to be in the interest of the state.

“I want to challenge Mr Milingo and his Lawyer to search his conscious and tell the Zambian people if there was no such meeting. The Office is been used maliciously to be abused by Citizens who do not know, when the deal was cut somewhere else,” he said.

He has since bemoaned the propaganda of trying to demonise the person holding the DPP office as the case was with late former Director of Public Prosecution Mukelebai Mukelebai who died mysteriously.

“Zambians should call themselves to order and look at matters in a more objective manner. Ms Siyuni is one of the most highly qualified prosecutors in the country. She has risen through the ranks and saved the people of Zambia diligently close to 30 years but people want to label her a PF cadre. This reminds us of the happenings around late former DPP Mukelebai Mukelebai that eventually led to his mysterious death. This is very unfortunate. Why are women quiet on the matter when their fellow woman is been abused,” he stated.


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