Anderson Banda

(Smart Eagles)
It is appalling and shameful that the UPND is so desperate that the only language they speak now is violence against PF members,Patriotic Front (PF) Lusaka Province Chairperson Kennedy Kamba has said.

Mr Kamba says it is extremely disheartening that at a time when the country is mourning the first Republican President Dr. Kenneth Kaunda who always preached peace despite the diversity in the political dispensation, the UPND has ignored this important plea to mourn together and have embarked on a very violent campaign trail targeting PF leaders in Lusaka.

So this mourning, he says, we saw a very disturbing footage where Anderson Banda, the UPND provincial youth chairman was in Chilanga giving an ultimate of seven days to UPND members to ‘sort out ‘ PF Youth Chairman Augustine Zulu.

Mr Kamba says he has been caught on camera using derogatory and unpalatable language, directing UPND youths to harm Zulu within seven days.

“This kind of politics is shameful and unacceptable! Everybody is preaching peace and the UPND has chosen to ignore all these important virtues and all they are interested in is violence ahead of the elections,” he says.

“It is for this reason that this morning the PF in Chilanga have reported Anderson Banda to the police, specifically at Bob Bromes Police Station for proposing violence and directing UPND cadres to harm Augustine Zulu.

They say you shall know them by their fruits. Unfortunately ghe fruits of the UPND is that of violence and no respect for human life,”.

I urge the PF in Chilanga, Mr Kamba says, and indeed in Lusaka to remain calm and peaceful. Stay away from provocation and let the law take its course against Anderson Banda because no one is above the law.


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