Patriotic front Chasefu constituency Member of parliament Hon Gerald Zimba has vowed to vote against bill 10 after receiving some tips that his part has lost confidence in him.

Our close source has disclosed that the PF is positioned to adopt its 2016 front runner Mr Emmanuel Zgambo as their Chasefu constituency member of parliament.

Hon Zimba who is PF Eastern province vice chairman says PF are crooks who are ready to use someone and dump them just for their political expedient. Mr Zimba says its unfortunate that the PF leadership has been buying opposition MPs and some independent MPs without giving anything to their own.

Meanwhile news has surfaced that PF SG is on a tour to pretend that he has sacrificed his constituency and that he will not contest his constituency where he lost to an independent candidate Hon Chabi and he has also blindfolded Kantashi independent MP that Hon Mumba that his incumbent Mr Yamfya mukanga wont contest when in actual sense they are trying to use them for bill 10 and later dump them as news has resurfaced that Mr Mwila and Mukanga have declared their interest to recontest their seats in 2021.

Mr Zimba said he has lost popularity on the ground in Chasefu constituency because PF promised alot of things and have achieved nothing as he cited things like the Lundazi–Chama road which passes through Chasefu constituency and issues do with agriculture as he says farmers are not happy in the manner PF has been operating towards agriculture.

PF has gone on the ground to blindfold its MPs and independent MPs on grounds that they will be adopted when they just want to use them to make sure bill 10 goes through and dump them after bill 10 goes through.

Some PF MPs feel uncomfortable and vow not to support bill 10 if they wont be given anything like the way they are buying opposition and independent MPs.


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