Antonio Mwanza


The 2021 general election campaigns will officially commence on 12th May, at 06hrs GMT.

The race is between The Patriotic Front and the UPND.

For us, our campaigns will be simple and straightforward:

1. It will be Sonta; We will be pointing at the massive developmental projects and programs that we have scored in the last 10 years.

2. We will be pointing to all the works, programs, policies and projects that we intend to implement once we renew our mandate as espoused in our newly launched 2021 -2026 Party Manifesto and

3. We will use the Economic Recovery Plan as well as the upcoming 8th National Development Plan and The Party Manifesto to address the current economic challenges including, high cost of prices of certain commodities.

4. We are presenting to the Zambian people a tried and tested leader, who is an epitome and embodiment of humility, humanity, hardwork, resilience and focus. A man who is at home and at peace with anyone and everyone.

On the other hand our opponents will be using the following as their key selling points:

1. Bitterness
2. Tribal hegemony
3. Insults
4. A Jamaican Manifesto and
5. A certified non-sellable candidate who has failed to work with more than 30 political parties whom he has made alliances with since coming on the political scene in 2006.

Zambians only want two things, peace and development and these are the two things that define ECL and PF.

May God bless His Excellency President Edgar Lungu as he continues to stir Zambia to greater heights.


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