Courtesy: Fyambe Media

IN what many described as ‘FOOLS’ day for police in Zambia, the youth among them prominent musicians took to the farms a much anticipated protest that was scheduled for the streets in Lusaka and protested without arrests as earlier promised.

The protest, characterised by displaying of placards with different messages that ranged from not being heard by government, prevailing corruption, lack of equal opportunities was also streamed live on Brian Bwembya also known as B-Flow’s Facebook page where some of the senior police officers watched using their personal accounts.

‘’Mushiku sha Cha cha cha, bale laala mumpanga (referring to the famous cha cha cha campaigns during the struggle for independence that were held in thick forests that people slept on snakes like wild animals),’’ sang the protesting youth.

B- Flow made it clear to the youth and followers on his page that visiting State House did not mean he was negotiating but that he was delivering a letter that was requesting for an appointment with the Head of State.

The once Barrack Obama favourite artist said time was now that young people can demand their share as it was evident that the current
government had no plan of how youths could be empowered in the

‘’The police are protesting on our behalf going around the Central Business District protesting and we call on every youth to put on a
black cloth and stream on their page, Zambia is ours and we the youth must take the lead,’’ said Chama Fumba popularly known as PILATO.

They further chanted, ‘’youth nga taliiko, bonse aba nibangwele, twalaizandamuna, lelo tule zanda (When a country has no youth then the rest are useless, we will rise up, today we will be on fire).

Wezi, a Zambian songbird shed tears when she addressed the youth.

She cried after mentioning how the slain UNZA student Vespers Simuzhila suffocated to death after a teargas canister was thrown in her apartment by police in 2018.

The love song hit singer made it clear that police under the current government had no regard for human life as many lives were lost since the PF took over.

Among the notable figures that addressed youths were legendary reggae artist Maiko Zulu, motivational speaker Mubita Nawa, Chama, Fumba(Pilato), Brian Bwembya(B-flow), Victoria Mhone( Wezi), Mwiza Zulu among other youths.


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