An entire Police force with an intelligence unit at its disposal gets duped by PF propaganda and issues a desperate statement reacting to a PF fake twitter account:

03RD JULY, 2021 – As Zambia Police, we have observed with great concern, increased levels of propaganda by some politicians who have adopted a campaign strategy of posting pictures of violent incidences which occurred in other countries purporting that they happened in Zambia.

One such propaganda is a post on a tweeter account in the names of Hakainde Hichilema circulating on various social media platforms in which a picture depicting a male person with raised hands and fire in the background has been posted insinuating that the incident occurred in Mpika District in Zambia.

We have never recorded such an occurrence in Mpika District here in Zambia. Members of the public are therefore urged to disregard the post and treat it with the contempt that it deserves.

We are warning politicians to desist from engaging themselves in acts that have potential to plunge the country in chaos in the name of politics.

We are reiterating our usual call for politicians to stick to issue based campaigns as opposed to propaganda or politics of deception that may trigger public disorder especially this time when we are heading towards the poll day.

Every individual should always strive to play a role in promoting peace as we only have one country as our heritage which is Zambia.

An inquiry in the matter has been opened.


And here is a response from the UPND:


We urge the public to dismiss and ignore the malicious and contemptuous fabrications by the Patriotic Front (PF) and presumably, their sponsored agents, relating a fake letter and a concocted Tweeter feed.

We are especially horrified at the shameless propaganda which is aimed at politicizing the passing on of Dr. Kaunda by falsely insinuating conversation between ourselves and the family of Dr. Kaunda, and all this while the country is still in mourning.

This is yet another example of just how deranged and desperate the regime, its actors and surrogates have become in a quest to maintain a grip on power, much to the detriment of all of us.

The public is reminded, that we expect a heightened level of provocative, inflammatory propaganda from the PF and their paid up surrogates; all aimed at attempting to divert the public from our core campaign messages, especially around reduction of taxes, reforming of NAPSA for better and increased benefits to contributors, increasing social cash transfer remittances to K500 per eligible person, as well as a reduction in the prices of both fuel and fertilizer for Zambians.

We are One Zambia One Nation.

Issued: Anthony Bwalya
UPND Presidential Spokesperson
3 July 2021208744485_1157145218095012_9180756308245134852_n



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