Just as I said a few days ago, the Police have mounted check points to Ibex Hill Police station.

They have barricaded the access roads to Ibex Hill Police station; they are searching vehicles and they have turned away our supporters and sympathizers who started gathering in morning to show solidarity and support.

All this is part of the desperate plan Mr Hichilema has hatched to slap me with trumped up charges, in the hope that he slows down the momentum.

Mr Hichilema’s panic and desperate acts signifies the shrinking of civic space; lack of rule of law and the rise in political repression in the country today.

Mr Hichilema is resolved to crack down on criticism and decimate the opposition political parties and other critical voices of this country. But it will not work!

We shall never allow him to dim the light of multiparty democracy Zambia has enjoyed for the last 32 years now. Some of us were direct participants in the efforts to return Zambia to a multiparty political dispensation and so, let him not underrate our resolve to fight against this tyranny he is trying to install in the country.

We are ready for him!

Fred M’membe
President of the Socialist Party


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