Gilbert Liswaniso

Contact :.Deputy National Youth Chairperson Gilbert Liswaniso 0977447412/0977780397

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Lusaka (22.07.2020) – United Party for National Development-UPND is concerned that a well intended meeting between Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG), Bonny Kapeso and ruling Patriotic Front (PF) led by Lusaka Province Youth secretary, Kennedy Kamba was a pure cosmetic move.

Firstly, we find it misplaced that PF Provincial Secretary, who is on record and famed for committing the gravest of violent crimes against citizens could represent the PF Chairperson for Security, Stephen Kampyongo who is also the Home Affairs Minister.

And how can Mr Kamba lie though his teeth that ‘the misconduct of an individual member of PF should not be construed as the position of other members of the party. But the fugitive Emmanuel Banda is PF Easternprovince Youth Chairperson and friends with the Head of state? We can smell a rat in this matter.

Secondly, we wonder at what point Kampyongo, who is by default Kapeso’s boss, takes off the Ministerial jacket of Home Affairs to answer to Mr Kapeso seeing that all the criminal activities that PF cadres have been committing are done with his blessings of the ruling party.

Thirdly, we have also noted that the apology from the PF over the uncouth behaviour of some PF cadres at the Lusaka Magistrates court last week was aimed at distorting facts and turning the attention of Zambians from the gravity of the matter at hand.

Furthermore, the failure by the Zambia Police Service (ZP) to arrest Emmanuel Banda for invading and assaulting Police Officers in an ISIS style manner erodes the very good intentions Mr Kapeso’s appetite to end the feud and rift between unruly PF cadres and the ZP whose work has been made extremely unbearable due to interference in their duties by the ruling party.

That stated, it defies all logic that Mr Kampyongo could continue doubling as both PF security Chairperson and Minister of Home Affairs because that makes it impossible for him to execute his duties fairly and in the interest of the majority Zambians craving for peace and unity.



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