FORMER Presidential Advisor to former Republican President Edgar Lungu, Dr. Christopher Zumani Zimba, 43, has been identified as a person of interest relating to incidents of Chemical Spraying.

Police Spokesperson, Rae Hamoonga has since assured that investigations in incidents of Chemical Spraying, infamously called “gassing” which wreaked havoc in late 2019 and early 2020 are on course and progressing well.

Hamoonga says three other people in addition to Zimba have so far been charged and arrested for incidents related to the aforementioned.

He identifies the others as Given Phiri aged 37, of Misisi Compound in Lusaka, Marlone Banda, 36, of 12 Miles area and Portipher Gwai aged 44 of Mutendere Compound in Lusaka.

Hamoonga states that the four have been cited for being in Possession of Articles for Terrorism or Proliferation purposes.

This is contrary to Section 25 of the Anti- terrorism Act number 6 of 2018 as read with Section 2 of the Amended Anti–terrorism Act number 6 of 2023.

Hamoonga notes that the four are yet to appear in court as a compiled docket of case is with the National Prosecution Authority charged with the responsibility of Prosecution.

He adds that investigations in this matter are still ongoing to bring to book all those that participated in this criminal act of gassing.

Byta FM


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