Police still looking for right charge to give abductors

POLICE are still quizzing the five abductors of the 13 recently-rescued young women while flipping through their penal codes to find the appropriate charge.

The five remain detained in police custody while the victims are yet to give their are statements as they are still admitted and recuperating in various health facilities.

Police have asked for more time to come up with a watertight case that will ensure the abductors lose their freedom.

Zambia Police Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga told #Kalemba they have to follow the right procedure and conduct a thorough clinical search for them to establish all the plots that the accused conducted.

Hamoonga added this will help them establish the count of crimes the abductors committed and the right charges to level against them.

“We have to go through the process that is why the law states that someone [accused] has to appear before the court within 24 hours or within a reasonable time,” Hamoonga said.

He added that the law provided for this provision of time because the police have to undergo some process before they can formally charge an acused person.

At a press briefing yesterday, Minister of Home affairs Jack Mwiimbu disclosed that two more suspects in connection to the case were arrested.

The first suspect was arrested at the scene of the crime in Chalala were the victims were discovered while James Bwalya and Mathews Simakonga were arrested by police with the help of community members in Nkeyema, Western Province.

Moses Makwaya



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