By Chileshe Mwango
UNZA Political Science Lecturer Alex Ng’oma has petitioned Speaker of the National Assembly Nelly Mutti not to accept Patriotic Front-PF faction leader Miles Sampa’s expulsion of nine Patriotic Front-PF members of parliament.
The PF faction led by Miles Sampa, ousted nine members of parliament on Wednesday for what it called serious misconduct after they allegedly attended an unauthorized meeting unknown to the party leadership.
Dr. Ng’oma has however branded Mr. Sampa’s decision to eject the nine members of parliament as an extension of the country’s lawlessness, which he argues should not be condoned.
In an interview with Phoenix News, Dr. Ng’oma stated that parliament should defer any rulings involving the former ruling party until the courts of law have concluded all of its cases especially since the country is watching this matter with keen interest.
A lot of people especially elitists and entitled self commentators are living in denial and left behind with what has happened in PF, such that they have stopped using logic but depending on emotions and feelings that Lungu is still in the picture. Most of them are doing it out of personal interest because they used to benefit and still continue to benefit from Lungu’s inept leadership. They deliberately want to deceive the citizen to believe that Lungu was legitimately elected to become PF leader in Kabwe in 2014. Let the truth be told, Sampa’s election was more legitimate than Lungu’s lifting of hands. There were no ballots cast at Lungu’s election and after that we came to learn of an injunction that was filled at 02:00hrs in the morning. That in itself calls for the Judge that effected that injuction for a Judicial professional conduct inquiry.
I would join the UNZA lecturer in this. Who wants nine avoidable parliamentary by-elections in Zambia at this time? Surely not now. We need to conserve resources as we face a very serious drought in the 2023-24 planting season.
Ba Gunner, it is about the law and not convinience. The cost is not what we should base our decisions on but rather what law and order requires us to do.
In this case the sensible thing to do is wait for the due process of the law before acting on these suspensions.
Which political scientist? This idiot has been a supporter of Lungu and PF, anyone who care to know will rewind to 2015 todate and evaluate the idiot’s rantings disguised as advice.
These idiots find it very difficult to face the reality that Lungu and PF bayashi, the idiots are in the same category as Membe and all the brief case political parties masquerading as opposition. STUPID IDIOTS.