By Smart Eagles

Patriotic Front Deputy Media Director Antonio Mwanza says political violence works against the values of Zambia and the Patriotic front (PF) party because citizens in the country expect the ruling party to be a shining example.

Speaking during the discussion forum organized by Diamond TV, Mr Mwanza said President Edgar Chagwa Lungu has demonstrated that he is a leader that wants to unite all Zambians, adding that this is the more reason the motto of the party manifesto and constitution is ‘One Zambia One Nation’.

“That is the motto President Lungu and the entire Patriotic Front have been pushing,” he said.

“As a party we strongly believe that violence works against our values as Zambians and we also strongly believe that that violence works against the Patriotic front (PF) party, because citizens in the country expect the party to be a shining example, this is the more reason we have made progressive steps to ensure that campaigns ahead of August 12 are violent free,”.

Mr Mwanza noted that the Head of State has given very clear instructions to all members of the party and the general citizenry that the police will do their work by ensuring that people that violate others and those that engage in political violence are brought to book, and the party has never shielded any member accused of violence.

“We have cases of people serving prison sentences for political violence, because the party does not tolerate, shield or protect anyone that engage in the vice,” Mr Mwanza explained.

He further stated that his Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu has taken a step to reconcile politicians and all Zambians, and this is the reason why he has declared 18th October, every year as a day of National prayers and reconciliation.

“This is to remind everyone that we are Zambians first, before belonging to any political party, either, PF, NDC or any other political party in the country, and that when wrong each other we can still come together as one Zambia one Nation,” he said.

Mr Mwanza added that the other step the Head of state has taken is to create the Ministry of Religious Affairs and National Guidance, particularly to remind every Zambian about the National Values that include Peace, Love, Patriotism, Kindness and accountability towards each other.

“I want to assure the Zambian people on behalf of the President that we are committed to making sure that we have a free and fair election and am very happy that even the European Union ( EU) has endorsed the stance of the President to his commitment to have a free and fair election.


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