UPND Lusaka Province chairman Obvious Mwaliteta says poverty and hardships have decampaigned the PF.

In an exclusive interview with The Mast in Lusaka, Mwaliteta, who served in the PF government as Lusaka, Central, Western province minister, said President Edgar Lungu speaks like someone who knows that he is losing.

“PF know that they can’t win 2021, even President Lungu himself knows this, that is why they have been doing all these tricks to hang on to power. These people are gone and they know it from deep down their hearts,” Mwaliteta said.

“The PF now don’t know what mathematics to play. They are now confused and their plans are scattered. In fact, the only election we won with Sata was the 2011 election and the rest they have been rigging but this time, they won’t have it easy. They are even discouraging citizens from obtaining NRCs and voters cards, what kind of a government is that?”

He said that the PF “know that they are losing and they are not sleeping because they have campaigned for us using poverty and corruption”.

He said campaigns for his party would be easy because of the bad leadership currently being experienced.

“And it is this same poverty, load-shedding and expensive fuel, coupled with high exchange rate that will vote them out. Zambians have suffered enough,” Mwaliteta, a former Kafue member of parliament, said. “He [President Lungu] was banking on Bill 10 but after it collapsed, he is now threatening citizens that if they don’t vote for him they will regret. That’s a tone of someone who knows that he is gone.”

Meanwhile, the PF in Lusaka has directed its district chairmen to provide weekly reports of voter registration.

According to a memo from Lusaka Province secretary Kennedy Kambafwile, the district chairmen in Lusaka are to provide reports of voter registration in their districts every Monday detailing full names, voters number, National Registration number, phone number and district polling station of all captured party officials.
“All the reports should be addressed to the provincial chairman and copy the secretary general of the party,” directed Kambafwile (Kamba).


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