By Smart Eagles

…As she says His Excellency President Dr Edgar Changwa Lungu will not have challenges in this year’s elections because of unprecedented development .

Chieftainess Ikeleng’i of Lunda speaking people in Ikeleng’i district says His Excellency President Dr Edgar Changwa Lungu has already won the August 12 general elections.

The traditional leader says the people of Zambia are rallying behind him because of the unprecedented development which has been rolled across the country.

She says His Excellency Dr President Lungu has continued to deliver development even in areas where he did not receive good votes.

Speaking when Fisheries and Livestock Minister Professor Nkandu Luo paid a courtesy call on her today, chieftainess Ikeleng’i says what the President Lungu is doing shows that he has a heart for the people.

She says it is for this reason that the people especially in her chiefdom have decided to support him ahead of the August 12 general election.

“I want tell you that President Edgar Lungu has already won elections. Because of his good heart people are rallying behind him.

“We have seen unprecedented development in Ikeleng’i under President Edgar Lungu. We have a district hospital even if it’s not complete and am confident that it will be completed. We have a secondary school.

“All health posts have been completed. The road network has been worked. President Lungu has also empowered vulnerable people, even the elderly, the disabled. He really has a good heart,”she says.

Meanwhile Prof Luo has appealed to the traditional leader to ensure that diversification is take seriously in Ikeleng’i district.

The minister says the people of Ikeleng’i should not only concentrate on pineapple growing but embrace fish and livestock farming.

Prof Luo says the area has enough water resource which is conducive for fish farming.

She says diversification will help the people to become wealthy.

“When I was coming your royal highness I observed that this area has enough water and the people can engage in fish farming,” she says.

Prof Luo however informed the traditional leader that her main programme in the area is to empower women and youth groups with livestock.

She informed the traditional leader that the livestock will help to improve the wellbeing of the people.



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