Prophet Isaac Praise
Prophet Isaac Praise


Republican President Hakainde Hichilema has been cautioned to stop entertaining PF surrogates who are forcing him to sideline many genuine UPND Members. Speaking in Monze last evening after coming from the prayer mountain, Zambia’s Renowned Clergyman Prophet ISAAC Praise said it is alarming that President HH has sidelined 80% of people that supported him and opted to work with the PF members he used to call corrupt. The Man of God disclosed that there is overwhelming evidence to suggest that the UPND strongman has neglected almost 80% of people who fought for him and the UPND in preference to PF members the very people he called click of thieves.

The Prophet said he is upset that instead of working for Zambians, the UPND Ministers are engaging themselves in daylight corruption the same vice that made the infamous PF to be kicked out in 2021. The Man of God has since asked the president to reach out to the grass-root who put him to power. He said it is heart breaking that after 8 months of being in power, 90% of High Commissioners and Ambassadors are still those PF die hard members, people who are 100% to President HH. “Please let President HH listen to all Zambians and try to improve their lives. Listen to the cries of all Zambians, do not be arrogant like former President Edgar Lungu. Learn from President Lungu’s mistakes, listen to the youths; they are the ones who vote.

Meanwhile Prophet ISAAC Praise has described President Hakainde Hichilema as a great leader who only needs genuine humbleness to succeed. He said the economic challenges Zambia is facing is understood as it has been triggered mainly by war in Ukraine but that its the duty of the Head of State to cushion the lives of his people. The Man of God said Zambians are beginning to question President HH’s corruption fight because since he came to power, no one has ever been convicted of corruption and people who were involved in corruptly purchasing of fire tenders, expired medicines, gassing and killing of people during the previous regime are still freely looming the street and insulting the intelligence of those that voted for President Hakainde Hichilema. “Pull up your socks sir otherwise time is running out against you. Majority of people are complaining because of how you are running the affairs of this country. Fire all corrupt people in government and replace them with youths”.


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