PRESIDENT Hakainde Hichilema has expressed shock and sadness of the accident involving a Super-boat carrying 44 Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church Choir members which capsized on Lake Bangweulu enroute to Chishi Island from Chilubi Island leaving about 16 people missing.

In Press Statement issued today, Chief Government Spokesperson Chushi Kasanda says the President has since directed the Vice President to provide the required transport and logistical support to the search and rescue team to ensure the missing bodies are retrieved.

Ms. Kasanda who is also Minister of Information and Media disclosed that the Head of State described the pain of losing so many lives of young people in a single tragedy of such magnitude as unbearable.

She said President Hichilema has sympathised with the families of the deceased and the SDA Church for the loss of lives and wished them God’s comfort during this difficult time.

“To all the bereaved families and the wider SDA Church, please accept my Government’s deepest condolences for the untimely death of your beloved ones. As Government, we sympathise with you and we will ensure that the funeral expenses are covered by the Government,” the President stated.

Ms. Kasanda noted that the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) is working with the Luapula Provincial Administration to ensure the survivors of the accident who may require evacuation or treatment are assisted accordingly.

“The DMMU in the Office of the Vice President is coordinating the search and rescue operation and retrieval of the missing bodies,” she said.

Ms. Kasanda said the Marines have since been deployed to conduct the search and rescue operation as well as the retrieval of the missing bodies on the Lake.

“The Government will provide coffins, food and other logistical support to the funeral houses to ease the burden on the church and the bereaved families,” she said.

The Chief Government Spokesperson stated that Government remains prayerful and hopeful that the ongoing operation to search for the bodies of the drowned youths and possible survivors, will be concluded soon and successfully.

On Friday, a boat carrying 44 SDA youth members who were coming from Kashitu in Chilubi Island going to Chishi Island capsized due to strong winds, 28 people survived while 16 are missing with only 8 bodies retrieved so far while the search for the remaining 8 has continued.

14 members of the Chilubi East Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church from Kashitu Ward of Chilubi Island of Northern Province who were travelling to Chishi Island for church programs when the boat they were using capsized on Lake Bangweulu.

Our hearts and prayers go to the bereaved families and the entire body of the SDA.


1. Andrew Sompwe
2. Mischeck Mwansa
3. Daniel Mwaba
4. Yombwe Aubrey
5. Godfrey Mumba
6. Boyd Kafwimbi
7. Peter Kalaba
8. Mufwaya Eustus
9. Sashi Joseph
10. Mwewa Bernard
11. Mwewa Gloria
12. Mano Gift
13. Mano Dorcus
14. Mwansa Margret
15. Mwansa Shadrick
16. Mwaba Gasper
17. Chikuma Benjamin
18. .Mumba Memory
19. Mirriam Chola
20. Kesina Mwansa
21. Lillian Mwila
22. Chalwe Mwelwa
23. Loveness Mponda
24. Albert Mwelwa
25. Confidence Chanda
26. Vanessa Chanda
27. John Chabu
28. Yandwa Patrick
29. Mwango Comred
30. Chipasha Joseph (Coxswain)


1. Sompwe Sarah F/19 years
2. Flavour Sompwe F/15 years
3.Musonda Gift F/23 years
4. Mubanga Cletus M/ 3 years
5. Mwansa Dennis M/ 29 years
6. Mercy Mwila F/21 years
7. Musenge Charles M/18years
8. Mumba Catherine F /20 years
9. Precious Nkwale F/19 years
10. Mwansa Philip- M/12 years
11. Chabala Emmanuel M/20 years
12. Mwenge Beatrice F/15years
13. Mwansa Ryan M/2 years
14. Brilliance Mumba F/2 years


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