By Ndate Lilato, UPND Political Analyst

A recent communication from Mozambique has shed light on the outstanding electricity debt incurred by the previous PF government. This development highlights the prudent leadership of President Hakainde Hichilema in addressing the economic woes left behind by his predecessor.

The unpaid electricity bills, a result of the PF’s mismanagement, have put a strain on Zambia’s relations with Mozambique. However, President Hichilema’s commitment to resolving this issue demonstrates his dedication to restoring Zambia’s economic credibility.

It is unfortunate that some individuals, who were instrumental in creating this mess, are now criticizing President Hichilema’s efforts to clean up their legacy. The President’s resolve to tackle this debt and others like it is a testament to his unwavering commitment to Zambia’s economic recovery.

(By Ndate Lilato, UPND Political Analyst)


  1. UPND. Can you stop blaming your current problems on PF? Who asked you to come into power? You came there knowing you have to sort out whatever problems you will find. You cant keep crying about how PF left this and that debt. Just fix it! Thats why you stood for elections. To fix problems. Not to cry about them 24/7. That crying can only mean you have failed. You are now making even useless Lungu to look like he can do a better job

    • Mr. Lungu can do a better job in the light of the evidence before you? In your thinking it is proof of his competence?

    • Ba Hallucinating, you are losing it. All those insults? Is that the best you can do or you are overwhelmed by the evidence?

      You sound hysterical.

  2. Schyopedity is seeing the truth, but opting to believe the lie. Instead of insulting, make your argument with evidence. The information on the image above can be verified by simply communicating with the lawyers named in the claim for payment.

  3. Such is the kind of people one can even think of exposing to the corridors of power again? The damage they left is too much. For them to even expose themselves to the public means they are shameless destroyers, plunderers, playboys and conmen. They do not mean well at all.
    They say they left maize in the country yet thataize was not pad for and thee current government hD to pay the farmers. They left empty coffers as they store from the treasury to build fortresses in hills and valleys. Palabana and state lodge area is their hide out. Who is the owner of the vast tract of land grabbed from Palabana University?
    If they say they worked hard to earn their wealth, where were they before they entered politics ? Why didn’t they work hard then?
    If they say they left roads and other development, what was the cost and what quality of roads and projects were these? Lusaka copperbelt road is pathetic. Can one even find courage to stand in front of people? Ofcourse people are keen to watch entertaining acts, especially when they can’t afford to go to the national park.
    HH is working for positive change. No one can allow people that found a positive economy to come and ‘dununa’ reverse if they were to ‘bwelelapo’ They’re even opposing development of rice fields which will feed the nation on the pretext that land is being sold!
    They were happy selling plots and grabbing land from the poor.

    • Ba Kasongo, we can grow our own rice. We donot need an investor to feed us. What we need is to scale up the area under cultivation and improve the skills of the local producer and assist with processing and marketing.

  4. Us we just want to see zesco power back….almost three years pf pf boss even if power can just be going for 4hours a day we will appreciate. This old song has grown even older.

  5. Consistent claims abound to the effect that ZESCO was the cash cow for the PF Party. It is disheartening that the company was busy pleasing a political party and ignoring to settle its huge debt. The PF government was something else; we are told that it never paid farmers that supplied maize to FRA, it never paid oil/fuel suppliers, it never serviced external debt, it never paid retirees’ benefits, etc. Thank God Zambians saw through them. Let us hope the UPND will avoid those pitfalls.


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