Litunga, HH


April 17th, 2024

The Litunga of the Barotseland has invited the Chitimukulu of the Bemba Royal Establishment as Guest of Honour at the 2024 Kuomboka Traditional ceremony of the lozi people of western province in a reciprocal gesture.

This follows the Litunga’s gracing of the 2023 Kusefya Pa Ngw’ena traditional Ceremony of the Bemba Speaking People.

This is in line with a recent government position and call on traditional leaders to hold traditional ceremonies devoid of political undertones but as platforms of cultural and traditional promotions and development.

We therefore find it strange that politicians are making a mileage out of President Hakainde Hichilema announced intentions to attend the Kuomboka Traditional ceremony this weekend.

What is wrong with President Hichilema attending the ceremony in his capacity as a citizen of this country and a subject of both chiefs to attend the ceremony in his capacity as a citizen? Why do we want to politicize even social events?

We wish to advise the opposition not to taint traditional ceremonies with their smear campaigns but allow the traditional authorities manage them without undue political pressure.

Zambia is built on a strong traditional and cultural foundation which has kept us together and fostered our national peace and unity in diversity.

The UPND respects and cherishes the role the traditional leadership have played and continue to play in fostering that national unity and we urge them to continue providing direction to all including the political sphere.

We therefore wish to state here in no uncertain terms that President Hakainde Hichilema reserves the right to visit any part of this country and participate in any activities both of political and traditional nature provided they foster national unity and economic development.

His intended visit to the Barotseland and subsequently the Kuomboka Traditional ceremony comes at the backdrop of him being a citizen of this country and a subject of traditional values and norms.

Let us not politicize the ceremony but allow everyone to participate without undue pressure.

Issued by:
Cheelo Katambo
Deputy Media Director – UPND


  1. That is our President for real who believes in non confrontations unlike others kkkkkkkkkkk. Show them how to call – exist in a global village in this 21st century . We’re one people regardless of the race , colour and tribe , one Zambia one Nation capwa fye .

  2. Common sense dictates that it would be wise for the President to stay away from the Kuomboka ceremony.

    He is no ordinary citizen to just decide that he will go anyway even if he is not the guest of honour.

  3. Hakainde has not been invited for a good reason. Why does he like forcing himself on situations? What type of spirit does this man have?

    And this is the first time in our history that a president has not been invited to this ceremony.

    Soon, only Mkuni will be inviting him.

    But the way he has treated Ndambo, I am sure he has alienated some of his own tribesmates.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

  4. The Mwiine Lubemba invited the Litunga last year for the Ukusefya pa Ng’wena ceremony as Guest if Honour, there was no big deal, all went smoothly . The Litunga invites the Mwiine Lubemba to grace the Kuomboka Ceremony, Hakainde is incensed
    and wants to gate crush the ceremony, and obviously push out the Mwiine Lubemba..
    What these two traditional leaders have done should be applauded…it’s aimed at evening out the Tribal fault lines.. bring about people to people cultural exchange, people to people interaction for unity in diversity away from politics.
    But as usual, the confusionist is not happy. He survives on tribal fractures, his electoral college is embedded in tribal hatred…this is the philosophy he thinks drives the tribal passion and Zealotry reflected in regional voting patterns in his so called strong holds…With Tribal fractures gone, the man has no message for the voter in these regions. Just as he has held southern Province hostage, he believes Western province is his and his alone…
    He blocked the former President Lungu’s motorcade for the same reasons…and he now wants to block the Mwiine Lubemba..
    This is the confusionist who will be in Mongu under whatsoever…the Munshebwa…the real Tribalist.


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