Kenya’s Deputy President Dr William Ruto on Sunday lamented that President Uhuru Kenyatta wrongly judged him as someone who could not protect his interests while outside government.

Speaking in Murang’a County where he took his Kenya Kwanza Alliance, Dr Ruto said the President is his friend and there was no way he could betray that friendship even when he retires.

“We been through many challenges together including facing the International Criminal Court (ICC) with him…We faced Mr Raila Odinga opposition together in 2002, 2013 and twice in 2017. I also consider myself to be his friend. It was a mistake to alienate me for Mr Odinga,” he said.

“My greatest shock was that, even if he felt I was not fit to succeed him, certainly by settling on Mr Odinga who had so far given us all sorts of political problems was the epitome of fine betrayal,” he said.

The DP assured President Kenyatta that if he wins in the August 9 polls, he will protect his legacy and that of his family.

However, his brigade accused the President and his strategists of capturing the national economy to a point that it is controlled by cartels and brokers.


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