
By McDonald Chipenzi


It is good to hear President’s confessions that ACC is “after him” according to media headlines for TODAY.

There is nothing wrong for the ACC to be after him or indeed any persons serving or not serving under his government.

The ACC is not wrong to target even the President in its crusade against corruption in the country, whether president or vice-president.

The ACC has the constitutional mandate to do what it is doing and my view that the immunity clause must not be party of our laws.

So the President is just being saved by the immunity clause in the Constitution not to be investigated of any suspicious corrupt activities or breaches of the Constitution but time is coming for him and it’s good he is confessing and realising that now.

Otherwise, it is good he is aware that the ACC is and will be after him if he gets involved or abate corruption under his rule once his immunity is removed.

That time will surely come for him at the right time and for the right purpose and for now let him enjoy the immunity clause while it lasts but with responsibility and integrity.

Corruption is corruption regardless of who commits it. So ACC must not be intimidated or fear but be encouraged to do its work without fear or favour.


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