It is now becoming increasingly visible that pressure is mounting in the ruling UPND circles and the entire Government in general!
In a highly competitive sport like football, whenever time is ticking players begin panicking. A panic mood is not a good syndrome in any situation. Excessive panic and anxiety triggers more production of hormone levels. Once hormones in the body are produced in excess, the person begin to act in an uncordinated manner, impulsively and haphazardly.
For any human being to behave normally, the body must only produce hormones equivalent to the prevailing situation. Excess production of hormones results into uncoordinated actions and chances become high of making mistakes.
There are several happenings in the New Dawn Administration signaling panic and pressure! Below are some of them;-
A critical observation indicate that many Civil Servants among them some Permanent Secretaries and Ambassadors have decided to join the ranks of praise singers, political vuvuzelas, bootlickers and political cadres. Instead of sticking to the ethics as stipulated in the Civil Service Code of Conduct, we are witnessing irrational remarks, conduct and behaviours of some Senior Government Officials.
Among those who have come out in public include Mr. Chama Fumba – Permanent Secretary for Ministry of Youth and Sports who has began conducting live broadcast of an online program where he is engaging into Political debates. We also have His Excellency Ambassador Elias Munshya of Australia who often time comment on political issues taking place in Zambia.
We also have the Permanent Secretary for Ministry of Home Affairs and Internal Security who decided to give instructions to his counterpart in the Ministry of Local Government to have a Billboard removed simply for advocating for the vulnerable people of our Society. Permanent Secretary Matembo is also on record to have joined the battle line in fighting an opposition Patriotic Front Party by transferring the Registrar of Societies to PSMD for failing to facilitate illegalities.
In any Democracy, the three Organs of the Government ought to operate independently and no one must be seen interfering in the functionalities of the Government departments.
Today we are witnessing rampant arrests of individuals and perceived political opponents on instructions from some Senior Government Officials. Politicians in Government have now become whistle blowers and are able to instruct Law Enforcement Agencies in effecting arrests on innocent citizens. Parliament is able to abuse the Constitution with impunity! The Speaker of the National Assembly is able to manipulate the Constitution by overlooking and disregarding some Laws and Orders that guide the National Assembly. The Judiciary has kept loosing its decorum as one of the most sacred arm of Government! The Executive on the other hand is being managed by cadres and people who are completely affiliated to the party in Government.
Another critical observation among those taking the lead indicate that our leaders are acting out of emotions. Most of the Senior Government Officials in the UPND Government are overly sensitive especially to criticism. Starting from His Excellency the Republican President himself, one can notice panic by listening to some responses like “Go and ask the person involved, Kutumpa uko, Akekala Pesa, Twalatampa ukubomfya Imingalato” and so forth are not acceptable from the sitting Head of State.
- During the recent Press Conference held by President Hakainde Hichilema, it was visible that the President was overreacting to some questions. The President is also on record to have referred to some citizens as WITCHES (Mfwiti – Vernacular) and Black Mambas, Serpents or Vipers. Not only is the language strong but can not be associated to the decorum of the Office of the President.
A few months ago, the Permanent Secretary for Central Province Mr. Mwanakampwe is on record to have used vulgar language, derogatory remarks, sarcastic terms and unwholesome expressions when he referred to a radio caller and Zambians as people who shitted on themselves or soiled on themselves and that the Government is busy cleaning the faeces left by the previous administration.
Last Sunday during the Sunday Interview at Diamond Television Station, the Permanent Secretary for Ministry of Information Mr. Thabo Kawana accused Mr. Coster Mwansa as a notorious media personnel a term that did not settle well with the Chief Executive Officer for the TV station who demanded for retraction of the word. Unfortunately Mr. Kawana failed to find a suitable word in place of the word notorious a term often used when referring to hard core criminals and defiant people who act with wantonness!
During the interview at KBN Television recently between Mr. Innocent Phiri commonly known as IP and the honorable Minister of Information, the Minister was put under pressure to an extent of telling the host to go and ask the involved person (s). This was in reference to who gave instructions to the Zambia Police who provided security to a private political gathering conducted by honorable Miles Bwalya Sampa at Mulungushi International Conference Centre.
It has been observed generally that the UPND Senior Government officials often respond to questions angrily. The UPND feel irked, agitated, irritated and furious often time when engaging the general public.
While a reference could always be made to the previous administration, it is now a motto and a common phenomenal for the UPND referring all failures and inadequacies to the Patriotic Front led Government. A local proverb goes on to say, ‘A failure always finds delight in accusing others’. (Uwawa tabula kabepekesho). Another adage says, ‘A bad carpenter always blames his tools’. Another one says, “A person taking an inheritance becomes responsible of everything he inherits.” ( Mpyanango apyana namabala).
On August 12, 2021 the Zambian voters unanimously revolted against the Patriotic Front led Government. It is now entirely up to the UPND led Government bringing to fruition all the promises they made while in the opposition.
It is now evident that the UPND Government is resolved muting and eliminating independent voices in the Country. During the Patriotic Front led Government, the Country witnessed the mushrooming of Civil Society Organizations, Independent Civil Rights Activists, Governance experts and Political pundits who spoke against the Patriotic Front led Government. Although efforts were made to thwart them from voicing out, no one was stopped from carrying out such advocacy.
Recently almost 90% of the Civil Society Organizations and Independent activists who were active have gone into oblivion with the exception of the ZCCB, OCIDA, Mr. Brebner Changala, Chapter One Foundation, Legal Counsel SC John Sangwa, Chairlady commonly known as Queen Kobra or the Zambian Voice (Living in the diaspora), Dr. Sishuwa Sishuwa and the Movement for Promoting National Values and Principles. (MPNVP). Being an opposition leader has become the most dangerous route to take. The opposition leaders are now perceived as adversaries of the Government.
However it appears the pressure mounting on the Government is too much hence they have embarked on shattering down these independent voices. On Wednesday the 10th January 2024, the Government of the Republic of Zambia unleashed the Zambia Police from Service Headquarters to pick up Mr. Joseck Kunda (National Ambassador, Founder and Chief Executive Officer – MPNVP) for some investigations. The Police Call – Out was however rescheduled to Tuesday the 16th of January at 14 hours on Floor Number 2 in Room 229 under Fraud Section.
We promise to keep the whole Nation abreast about the details soon after the investigations. We are also ready going to jail for defending the Democracy of our Country. The Organization (MPNVP) has also decided to officially launch a complaint to MISA Zambia for the persecutions, threats and Intimidations it has been receiving so far from some Senior Government Officials and Departments of the Government. The complaint letter will also be shared with the general public within a few hours from now.
Article number 20 (1) from the Zambian Constitution gives freedom of Expression to all the citizens of our Country. The Government must not be seen muzzling the mouths of our people. We are not in a military contonoment neither are we in a dictatorial type of Government where the rights of expressions are thwarted from the people.
We must be left free airing our views on national matters. If expressing ourselves on national matters is a criminal offense, we are challenging the UPND Government to lock us up and send us to prison.
We will remain relentless and unwavering in our endeavour to disseminate information to our people regardless of Police Call – Outs, Threats and Intimidations!
Sir you could have spent your precious time to do something productive
So you don’t know that the permanent secretaries are political cadres; they have a duty to defend their party; they are not professional civil servants same applies to ambassadors so you don’t expect them not to defend and promote the their party
This man has just nailed a nail where it’s fits,these upnd are in panic mode and balenya balelapila
Guess you ought to work on your reading culture& sincerely so eh
Sir you could have spent your precious time to do something productive
So you don’t know that the permanent secretaries are political cadres; they have a duty to defend their party; they are not professional civil servants same applies to ambassadors so you don’t expect them not to defend and promote the their party
This man has just nailed a nail where it’s fits,these upnd are in panic mode and balenya balelapila
Guess you ought to work on your reading culture& sincerely so eh
Which pressure this mad man is talking?
The pressure within HH and the cult
I do not agree with most of what you have said but suffice to say, even if 2024 is not an official campaign year, however, what happens this year will define the mind and direction of the voter. It would be thoughtless for UPND to think they can change the perception of voters in 2025, it has to be now. By 2025, voters would have already made up their minds.
Zamzam imaginary pressure yakumatako yako PF idiot iwe.
Which pressure this mad man is talking?
The pressure within HH and the cult
I do not agree with most of what you have said but suffice to say, even if 2024 is not an official campaign year, however, what happens this year will define the mind and direction of the voter. It would be thoughtless for UPND to think they can change the perception of voters in 2025, it has to be now. By 2025, voters would have already made up their minds.
Zamzam imaginary pressure yakumatako yako PF idiot iwe.
So this mpnvp another pfidiot faction? Or a fuledi yakumbuyo?
You lack understanding &I can imagine, you haven’t understood anything eh..
When a pfidiot is barking there’s nothing to understand baRaphael!
So this mpnvp another pfidiot faction? Or a fuledi yakumbuyo?
You lack understanding &I can imagine, you haven’t understood anything eh..
When a pfidiot is barking there’s nothing to understand baRaphael!
Who is this numbskull?
He was not there when pfools and ELC were in charge.
How shameless can you be.
Another Sean Tembo.
Who is this numbskull?
He was not there when pfools and ELC were in charge.
How shameless can you be.
Another Sean Tembo.
Ati pressure!!hahaha some of these institutions are led by people with low IQ mwè.
In my opinion there is nothing humanly possible UPND can do right now until 3 things happen
1.The restructuring of debt happens
2.The mines start operating
3.The wars that are currently being fought in the middle east and Ukraine subside and stabilise oil prices.
All of which are out of the hands of HH may I mention that the first 2 PF has a big hand in them.
What HH has done is stabilise the economy and let the fundamentals not in his hand fall in place.
That’s what is going on so stop alarming people with wild statements that don’t make sense!!
Ati pressure!!hahaha some of these institutions are led by people with low IQ mwè.
In my opinion there is nothing humanly possible UPND can do right now until 3 things happen
1.The restructuring of debt happens
2.The mines start operating
3.The wars that are currently being fought in the middle east and Ukraine subside and stabilise oil prices.
All of which are out of the hands of HH may I mention that the first 2 PF has a big hand in them.
What HH has done is stabilise the economy and let the fundamentals not in his hand fall in place.
That’s what is going on so stop alarming people with wild statements that don’t make sense!!