Priorities driven by corruption- Amb Emmanuel Mwamba

Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

By Emmanuel Mwamba
Priorities driven by corruption

We reminded Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Gary Nkombo of the nations priorities and the law.

He has chosen insults over objective and issue-based debate.

He has bought equipment and motor vehicles against the CDF Act No.11 of 2018 , Guidelines and the Public Procurement Act, No 8 of 2020.

Because the motivation of the procurement is corruption, equipment lie unused as Councils do not have money for fuel to do works.

This is before we talk about service and spares for these equipments.

On ambulances and Police vehicles, this is a clear abuse of law. The CDF envisages that communities will pick and choose their priorities and make purchases.

The imposition of priorities and Procurement from the centre is illegal.

Besides issues of national security and health care are vested in those specialized ministries. Why does Nkombo want to go on multi-million spending spree?

These procurements are driven by corruption intentions.

The CDF Act provides for the management, disbursement,
utilisation and accountability of the Constituency
Development Fund established under the Constitution

CDF requires the establishment of Constituency Development Fund Committees in constituencies and provides for their composition and functions.

Nkombo and his men at the center have usurped this power.


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