Kenneth David Kaunda

ACADEMICIAN Oliver Saasa has described our founding father Kenneth Kaunda as a mountain of a man.

Speaking yesterday during a virtual discussion on Dr Kaunda’s economic legacy organized by Mulungushi University and the Women’s History Museum, Prof.
Saasa who is also Mulungushi University Chancellor said, it would be wrong to judge Dr Kaunda’s legacy based on the parameters of today.

“My view is that we cannot judge Dr Kaunda’s legacy based on the parameters of today. He has to be judged based on the time he lived in. He stood quite tall,’’ Prof. Saasa said.

He said Dr Kaunda’s legacy would be best assessed based on the prevailing conditions at that time.

“He provided visionary leadership,’’ Dr Saasa said.

Mulungushi university vice chancellor Hellicy Ngámbi said the country is not just mourning Dr Kaunda but also celebrating his visionary leadership.

She said the best way to honour Dr Kaunda would be the sacrifice by all Zambians to pick up from where he left.

Prof. Ngámbi said Dr Kaunda went out of his way to ensure that the country prospers.

Zambia’s High Commissioner to Ethiopia Emmanuel Mwamba who was one of the panellists said Zambia is cognizant of Dr Kaunda’s efforts and ready to take off from where he left.

He said the decision by Zambia to draft her new foreign policy that has shifted from political diplomacy to economic diplomacy is a good example of what is being done to keep Dr Kaunda’s legacy towards attaining economic diplomacy.

Mr Mwamba said the decision to draft Zambia’s new foreign policy is a clear indication that the country is responding to the new world order.

“We need to industrialise and avoid importing finished products. If we don’t control that, we will continue being exploited,’’ Mr Mwamba said.

He said Zambians have a role to play in realising economic freedom since the country has already attained her political freedom.

The discussion that was dubbed: Kenneth Kaunda’s economic legacy and the foundation he laid for the establishment of economic fundamentals that shaped the economy of the country in the years to come’,’’ and hosted by Christabel Ngongola-Reinke was done in honour of Dr Kaunda who will be buried tomorrow.


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