The Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) and bus operators have held a consultative meeting, to consider the request by transport operators to increase bus fares.

RATSA Public Relations Manager Fredrick Mubanga said the meeting was also attended by the Consumers Rights Association of Zambia, Passengers Association of Zambia and the Bus Drivers Association of Zambia to discuss the proposed increase in bus fares.

The proposal to increase bus fares comes in the wake of the increase in fuel pump prices by the Energy Regulation Board (ERB) announced on March, 31, 2022.

Mr Mubanga stated that the proposed increase in bus fares will only be effected after approval by all concerned stakeholders including the Ministry of Transport and Logistics.

Mr Mubanga added that the move is in line with the conditions pursuant to which the Road Service Licenses (RSL) are granted.

“According to subsection 12 (d) of Section 108 of the Road Traffic Act No. 11 of 2002 underscores that a person applying for a Road Service License and a holder of such a license applying for its variation, shall submit to the Director the rate of fares of the proposed services,” he stated.

The Energy Regulation Board (ERB) yesterday adjusted upwards the pump prices of petroleum products by K4.54/litre for Petrol, K4.68/litre for Diesel and K3.93/litre for Kerosene.

The increase in pump prices is due to the continued strain in global oil supply mainly due to the geopolitical conflict between Russia and Ukraine that has exerted additional pressure on the already escalating oil prices on the international market.


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