NDC vice-president Josephs Akafumba.

For Immediate Release


Lusaka 01:07:21 08:00hrs

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) President Rikki Joseph’s Akafumba has stated that in Life it’s always good to be on the good side of the law, reacting to the media statement issued by Charles Kabwita, Akafumba said the area that has been so far exhibited by Kabwita and his group, is merely hallucination, Kabwita is nothing and his rantings amount to nothing. The force claims Kabwita is making against Emmanuel Malite one day Kabwita will have to pay for them.

Akafumba further said that Kabwita is a failed Councillor who is specialized in selling plots. Kabwita must know very well that there is an injunction which was granted in February by the Court against Kambwili and his agents, but in total disregard of court orders, Kabwita and his gang went against the injunction and held those illegal provincial conferences including the Congress and the result of that was committing contempt of court. And a written motion was issued against their conduct, these people have got no regard for the law, they again made an attempt to stop the committal at the court of appeal which they lost, we are yet to tax our costs against them to the court of appeal said Akafumba.

On the other hand Kambwili because of his stubbornness was condemned in costs to which now his vehicle was grabbed. Kambwili’s group has continued to disregard the order of injunction, the matter of injunction came up on the 29:06:21 in the Ndola High Court but couldn’t take off as one of the contemnors by the names of Dr Paul Mbulo reported to be sick and the matter was adjourned, so as far as the law is concerned Kambwili’s/ Saboi group are masquerading as NDC because their is an order of injunction.

We have no option but, decided to report and include Kabwita and his group on the list of contemnors. If Kabwita thinks by being PF he can control the police then his cheating himself, said Akafumba, let them continue with their tribal politics which won’t take them anywhere.

Lastly they must Learn for once to respect the courts of law, when they got a stay in the court of appeal we respected them, why can’t they do the same? Akafumba asked. On the 25th July 2021 these guys should show cause before court why they should not be sent to prison. So if they conclude stories on Emmanuel Malite and that Kabwita owns the party, if I may ask how much did Kabwita ever put in the party as he has been a beggar throughout. Said Akafumba

Issued by: NDC Media Department


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