The National Democratic Congress, NDC, has decided to sue its former leaders for continuing to mascarade as party officials.

The people being sued are; Mr. Rikki Josephs Akafumba, Mrs. Bridget Atanga, Mr. Franklin Membe, Mr. George Sichula, Mr. Paul Sensele, Father Richard Luonde, Mr. Joseph Chishala, Mr. Joseph Kasonde, Mr. Tazifa Mwanza, Prof. Muyenga Atanga and Mr. Luhila Akashondola. Others are; Ms. Timar Shaba Thuli, Mr. Emmanuel Malite, Mr. Kirby Musonda, Mrs. Maureen Sense, Mrs. Munyonshi, Mr. Andrew Lipindula and Mr. Musonda Banda.

The former party officials were expelled from the party and never contested their expulsions. However, the party is shocked that the expelled leaders have continued to mascarade as NDC officials.

‘Despite not having a following in the party, these former leaders have managed to create a media circus and continued to portray themselves as NDC when infact not. We thought that they would grow out of if by now but the rebels have continued to mascarade as NDC just to maintain some relevance to their new home and the public,’ NDC President Ms. Saboi Imboela said.

And in the letter of demand, Mr. Akafumba, Mrs. Atanga and others, have been reminded that they have continued to mascarade as party officials despite being expelled by the Central Committee meeting of 22nd March 2021 and confirmed by the party Congress on 18th April 2021.

The rebels have been given 48 hours to commit themselves in writing that they will cease to mascarade as NDC officials failure to which the party will have no option but to invoke court process without further recourse.

The NDC president Ms. Saboi Imboela further mentioned that belonging to a political party of one’s choice was a constitutional right and it was obvious that the rebels had decided to go with the party’s former alliance partners. However, the party has bee


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