Sacko Mine Is Mine, I Was Chased By Kelvin Sampa And Other PF Thugs- Sacko



PROPRIETOR of Sacko Mines limited Sacko Bassi has stated that the Mine was unfairly grabbed from him.

PF National Youth Chairperson at the time Kelvin Sampa and others are accused of having used the system to deport Sacko,a foreign national from Mali, who was resident in Zambia and married to a Zambian woman.”

“They accused me that I had insulted the Head of State and that I was supporting the Opposition(UPND) at the time.”

It’s called Sacko Mine because of my name. I am Sacko Bassi”.

When deportation orders was issued, he applied for leave to commence judicial review proceedings in the Lusaka High Court, challenging the State’s decision to deport him from Zambia without justification.

In his affidavit, through his lawyers Mosha & Company Legal Practitioners, Sacko accused Kasama MP and PF National Youth Chairperson, Kelvin Sampa of being behind his deportation.

In his affidavit in support of ex-parte summons to apply for judicial review, Bassi, a Malian, contended that his removal and deportation from the country was illegal and unreasonable.

Bassi said that on November 30, 2019, he was apprehended by officers from the immigration department and detained at Lusaka Central Police Station.

He said from there, he was taken to the airport in the early hours of Sunday, December 1, 2019, and forced to leave the country.

He alleged that he does not know the reason for his deportation and accused his opponents who are interested in his businesses and property of orchestrating his deportation.

“That to-date, I do not know the reason for my removal save for my suspicion that it was orchestrated by certain persons interested in depriving me of my property and businesses,” Bassi said.

“That I have been gravely disadvantaged by being deprived of access to my family businesses and property.”

Bassi stated that he was entitled to be notified why he was being removed and to answer to any allegations against him if at all there were any.

He charged that the decision by Director General Immigration was both illegal and unreasonable and wished to be granted leave to commence judicial review.

He craved the indulgence of the court to grant him leave to commence judicial review proceedings against the state.


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