Sakwiba Sikota characterises UPND as schizophrenic

Sakwiba Sikota

Saki characterises UPND as schizophrenic

STATE Counsel Sakwiba Sikota has characterised the UPND as a schizophrenic government that is so obsessed with telling lies that each time they have told Zambians untruths, they would get fever.

Mr Sikota, the leader of the United Liberal Party (ULP) and chairman of the United Kwacha Alliance (UKA) said the UPND were serial liars to the extent that they would get fever if they did not tell a lie to citizens.

“After the police issued and withdrew a call out against Father Chewe Mukosa, the Lufwanyama Catholic priest for reminding the UPND government about its lies and the economic hardships Zambians are going through, one Thabo Kawana, the Information and Media Permanent Secretary told Zambians that in fact there was no call out to anyone and that it was fictitious.
Then we had Cornelius Mweetwa issuing a statement contradicting Mr Kawana that it was not government’s intention to summon Fr Mukosa


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