Samfya Tycoon Frank Ngandwe writes to the Ministry of Finance


Samfya Tycoon Frank Ngandwe writes to the Ministry of Finance

Subject: Shortage of 5 ngwee and 10 ngwee in circulation.

I’m writing this letter to complain to you about the shortage of 5 ngwee and 10 ngwee in circulation. It has come to my attention that some stores are continuing pricing commodities in ngwees even when they don’t give change, and as a result Zambians are losing a lot of money to these investors.

Kindly tell the nation if you are still making ngwees or not. If you have stopped kindly advise these stores to stop charging things in ngwees, it’s day light robbery. You find sugar k45.95, bread k20.65, salt K5.85, soft drinks k5.14, but when you ask for change they tell you that we don’t have change. My question is how much are they making everyday, if you calculate and multiply those ngwees with millions of people who leave them behind when they buy commodities, it is a lot of money. These people need to tell us how much they make out of our change.

I here by request you to resolve this matter as soon as possible or else we are going to protest so that our rights as customers are respected.

Frank Ngandwe


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