Security guard meets Masebo, gets nursing appointment letter


Security guard meets Masebo, gets nursing appointment letter

A FEMALE security guard has moved from swatting mosquitoes in the darkness of night to donning the bright white nurse’s uniform in the hospital corridors as she will be employed by Government.

Today, Health minister Sylvia Masebo met with Annie Nakushwela, a young woman whose tenacity and resolve led her from the post of a security guard to the halls of a nursing school.

Annie’s tale of triumph gained attention a few weeks back when she graduated as a nurse, successfully balancing her duties as a security guard to fund her education.

Today marked another significant stride and chapter in Annie’s journey as she proudly accepted her official employment letter as a nurse.

Annie has been posted to serve in Chirundu district.

The Health Minister, visibly moved by Annie’s dedication, commended her accomplishments and extended heartfelt congratulations.

“This young lady is an inspiration to all the young people who have a dream to become someone. Truly, dreams do come true with sacrifice and hard work,” said Masebo.

Despite the monumental achievement, Annie continued to work diligently as a security guard at a recognized firm in Lusaka.

When asked about her extraordinary journey, Annie shared that despite the hardship, mockery, and difficulties, she stayed focused and determined to achieve her dreams.

“Today, my journey to that dream has hit another milestone. I am so, so happy.”



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