Senior Chief Kopa of the Bisa people has welcomed the adoption of PF Media Director, Sunday Chanda.

He said the adoption of Mr. Chanda would give resounding high votes for President Edgar Lungu.

Senior Chief Kopa has also refuted a story attributed to the Bisa Traditional authorities alleging that they have protested the adoption of Mr. Chanda.

Speaking in interview, Senior Chief Kopa said the story is a misrepresentation of facts on the ground.

He said Mr. Chanda is the most popular parliamentary candidate in Kanchibiya Constituency and victory is certain for the ruling Patriotic Front.

The traditional leader said former ZESCO Director of Human Resources, Larstone Mumba should accept the decision of the Central Committee to adopt Mr. Chanda was in the interest of the people of Kanchibiya Constituency.

Senior Chief Kopa explained that Kanchibiya Constituency has four traditional leaders who have all rallied behind Mr. Chanda.

The Senior Chief has since advised Mr. Mumba to humble himself and respect the decision made by the PF Central Committee.

He further urged Mr. Mumba to emulate other aspirants who have accepted the decision by the Central Committee and have opted to support Sunday Chanda’s candidature.

Kanchibiya is a constituency of the National Assembly of Zambia which covers the villages of Chikuni, Kasongo, Katumba, Mpepo, Mulongwa and Ngungwa of Kanchibiya District in Muchinga Province.


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