Peter Chazya Sinkamba

By Enoch Lusoke/Logic Lukwanda

Leader of the opposition Green Party, Peter Sinkamba is calling on government to show the same zeal exhibited in championing the enactment of the controversial bill number 10 towards economically progressive bills that have been pending for a long time in cabinet.

Mr. Sinkamba explains that there are number progressive and economically beneficial bills that have been pending for a long time, but government has not shown the same sense of urgency shown in championing the enactment of bill number 10.

Speaking to Phoenix News, Mr. Sinkamba notes that the country has serious economic and political problems that need urgent interventions, and has wondered why government sees it fit that parliament should give priority to bill 10 at the expenses of bills with economic benefits to the nation.

On Friday, parliament restored bill 10 on the order paper after it lapsed on 4th June 2020 after being before the house for six months.

Meanwhile, the ruling PATRIOTIC FRONT –PF- Lusaka district youth leadership is appealing to all members of parliament to support the enactment of constitution amendment bill number 10 into law.

PF Lusaka District Youth Vice Information and Publicity Secretary Jonas Chisamba says just like the ruling party has stated before, bill 10 is a good proposed law which has cross cutting benefits to the governance of the country and therefore it needs enactment.

Speaking to Phoenix News, Mr Chisamba says parliamentarians should put their political affiliations aside and vote in favor of the bill which he says is progressive in nature.


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