Sinwdled MoneyGrow clients resort to violence, beat lawyer


Sinwdled MoneyGrow clients resort to violence, beat lawyer

A LAWYER with the athletic abilities of Bishop John General this morning turned the Lusaka High Court grounds into a running track as he attempted to escape the wrath of an angry mob of swindled MoneyGrow clients.

But despite his best running efforts that got his ankles almost hammering the back of his head, Linus Eyaa was not as lucky as the adulterous Matero Papa.

The lawyer was caught and baptised with painful slaps.

It took police officers operating in the premises of the High Court to save in the lawyer and in the process arrested six people including four men and two women.

Trouble for Eyaa began when the angry mob which was swindled in a bait and switch scheme demanded that he briefs them about the Court case involving their Cooperative and its former Chairperson but the lawyer felt unsafe given how rowdy the crowd had become.

He decided that it was instead safer to bolt from the scene and like an olympic sprinter burst in blistering run shocking fellow lawyers and court staff.

But the lawyer did not go far, the crowd was too big and too determined to catch him.

Before even getting far, the panting counsel whose blue classy suit was now drenched in his own sweat was now in the hands and at the mercy of the mob.

The group swarmed around their attorney and gave him some slaps and fists whilst dragging him towards the High Court.

In a dramatic turn of events, some of the mob members only realised later that they were beating the lawyer who was representing them.

Police officers at the High Court led by their in charge Goerge Konde swiftly saved Eyaa from having his face redesigned and teeth knocked out and placed him in an empty courtroom for safety.

The officers later apprehended six masterminds of the lawyer’s lynching among them four men and two women and took them to Kabwata police station.

Earlier when the case came up for status conference before judge Sharon Newa, Eyaa asked the Court to confirm the injunction stopping Mauden Shula from posing as the Chairperson and chief executive officer of MoneyGrow which was granted ex-parte.

Judge Newa had granted MoneyGrow an order of injunction restraining Shula from masquerading as a chairperson of the cooperative and meddling in the affairs of the company until the matter is determined.

He said the defendants assumed office and started running the affairs of the cooperative illegally without following procedure.

“In that process, they have been illegalities and threats to the office bearers of the plaintiff and announcements were made on radio to make citizens arrest. The threats to life needed to be stopped by way of injunction before the court determines whether the defendants legally took over office,”Eyaa said.

“Our prayer in the main matter is that the defendant was not duly appointed as chairperson of Money Grow and he should desist from holding out as such.”

He added that the annual general meeting held on October 13, 2023, which was called by Mauden Shula and the deliberations have no legal basis and are illegal.

In this matter MoneyGrow Savings & Credit Co-operative Society Limited has sued Mauden Shula a board member and former chief executive officer in the company for meddling in the affairs of the company and posing as its chairperson following an illegal annual general meeting he held which ushered him in as the CEO.

It is seeking a declaration that Shula is not the duly appointed chairperson of MoneyGrow and should stop masquerading as such.

The cooperative wants a declaration that the elected board on October 13, 2023 is illegal and all their actions are void ab initio.

An order restraining the defendent from holding himself out as chairperson of the plaintiff and to further restrain the defendent from continuing to interfere with the operations of the plaintiff either by himself ,agents and or servants until final determination of this matter.

By Mwaka Ndawa



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