So what is Edgar’s plan besides dancing and singing “nalitumpa”

Edgar Lungu

So what is Edgar’s plan besides dancing and singing “nalitumpa”

By Daily Revelation Editor

Former President Edgar Chagwa Lungu has in the past couple of weeks raised so much dust following his comeback to active politics, which all those who are reasonable know he did not retire from.

We understand that Edgar has every right to participate in the political life of this country, however, people still have the right to question his decision considering that he is the immediate past president who ‘temporarily’ left active politics after exiting the presidency.

We too as a media house and other media have so many questions following Edgar’s political comeback. This is not to undermine or question his political rights, but it’s always important to scrutinise anyone offering themselves to serve this country, especially in the highest office of the land. For a long time, Zambians have ushered into political offices mediocre; substandard politicians; people with no substance – who do not add value to both the growth of our democracy and…


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