BY IP muvi tv
Chinsali Monday, 4 April, 2022

The Chinsali Magistrate Court has adjourned the case in which Former Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo has been charged with an offence of endangering the safety of an aircraft to 26th April, 2022.

Particulars of the offense are that on January 2nd, 2015, Mr Kampyongo, whilst acting together with others, allegedly endangered the safety of an aircraft and its passengers at Kalalantekwe school grounds in Shiwang’andu district, in Muchinga province.

Mr. Kampyongo who is also Shiwanga’ndu Member of Parliament and six others are jointly charged with the offence of endangering the Safety of an Aircraft contrary to the Safety Aviation Act Chapter 445 of the laws of Zambia.
Others jointly charged with Mr. Kampyongo are Andrew Kampyongo, James Sunge Mulenga, Cephus Mwaba Matumbo, Phillip Sinkala, Ignius Musonda and Augustine Kapolyongo.

And one of Mr. Kampyongo’s lawyer George Chisanga says the state has indicated that they would be able to call their last two witnesses.

“We are yet to have the evidence of the Pilot as well as the officer who investigated this matter.
The difficult the State has been having is to secure the attendance before the court the Pilot who was flying the helicopter on that material date.
If possible they told us that if they cannot secure his physical attendance in court, they will use alternative platform to make him testify maybe via Zoom, Mr. Chisanga has said.

He says is hopeful that the State would be able to close the case on 26th April.

He adds that is concerned because the case is rather taking long stating everything was supposed to have finished in line with what the had earlier indicated but since the court has guided that it can not rush Justice it is just the matter waiting and hear what will come out of said witnesses it keeps on adding to the number of those who have their testimonies but is hoping the last witnesses will be on 26th April,”

However, during a cross examination the two state witnesses who includes John Mulenga a Teacher continued giving incoherent statement from the other seven witnesses who appeared before the court when the matter commenced.
The contradiction from the the statement witnesses after being quizzed by Mr. Kampyongo’s defence lawyers Leon Lemba and George Chisanga at the said cross examination triggered the laughter by the court attendees.

And at the close of the session the state pleaded with the Magistrate to have the matter adjourned to April 26th so that is could bring other witnesses, a move which was strongly opposed by the defence lawyers on ground that the state had previously made it clear that it was bringing it’s possible last set of witnesses for progress sake.
However, the Magistrate says he had understood the concerns from both parties and it was just wise to work in fair manner for the sake of justice.

But the Magistrate was quick to warn the state not to keep dragging the case through adjournments besides having the rights to do so.
Meanwhile, Mr. Kampyongo expressed confident that Justice will prevail by God’s grace.

He said it is the desire of the People of Shiwang’andu to have the process expedited in order for attention to shift to serving the people.

“Every time that is taken from the people, is injustice to the people We represent.

I am a citizen, but I also have an extra responsibility to serve the people who elected me on 12th August last year. We will however respect the court processes so that Justice can prevail, the law maker has said.
He says the Country is a very critical situation at the moment that needs to be resolved , such as fuel hike and reducing the cost of living the new dawn government talked about.


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