Statement From Hon Miles Sampa MP On The Illegal Pf Central Committee Meeting Taking Place Today



Saturday 6th May, 2023

The so called PF central committee meeting going on this morning is illegal because the PF President (Dr Edgar Edgar Lungu), Secretary General-SG (Davies Mwila) and Chairman (Samuel Ngonga Mukupa) all resigned about 2 years ago.

According to the PF constitution only the SG can call a central committee meeting. Even from precedent maybe the party President or Chairman can call and chair a central committee meeting. Vices or deputies to these 3 top office bearers only come in operation once given instructions by the substantive office bearers. So if they resigned 2 years go when have they given their vices or deputies to call and chair this meeting today?

In this social and not official meeting today they can appoint or re-appoint themselves onto as many positions as they wish but they are of no material relevance and illegal according to the PF constitution. This meeting conveners and attendees also border on active contempt of court case and will consult my lawyers on possibility of adding other names to the list awaiting adjudicating by the Judge.

The over K200,000 that will be spent on the sumptuous lunch today and other logistics for the few gathered is a waste of party resources. The funds could have best been until used sent to the grassroot structures in the 10 provinces that have long been ignored since we lost the general elections in 2021.

In the circumstances we find ourselves in, the only next legal gathering for the PF is the extra ordinary general conference that will elect a substantive party President and 25 central committee members.

Our immediate focus should be to seek leniency with the Minister of Home Affairs so he does not de-register PF from our own negligence of delaying for 2 years the holding of elections to choose new office bearers. This is why I wrote the letter to the Minister last week seeking his leniency while you continue with scheming illegal meetings meant to further delay the elective general conference.

All appointments and minutes produced from the illegal meeting today are an afterthought and continued acts of arrogance from the illegally appointed and appointing specialists.

The General Conference is hereby demanded to take place Now and no further illegal meetings or social gatherings. Enough of delaying tactics or excuses from 9 months when we paid and receipted K200,000 nomination fees.

Miles B. Sampa, MP
PF Presidential Candidate


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