Deputy President William Ruto has taken the battle to become the fifth president of Kenya to the doorstep of his rival Raila Odinga asking President Uhuru Kenyatta to step aside to let them face-off.

Speaking during a rally in Murang’a, the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) presidential candidate reminded the President that he is not in any battle with him but with Mr Odinga and he should leave the latter to him.

Although admitting that he will not get the President’s backing, the DP implored his boss to adopt a neutral stand in the August 9 polls and let him square it out with the Azimio la Umoja presidential candidate.

“I have tried to have a go at Raila but I cannot have a fair battle with him because he is hiding behind the President,” said the DP.

“So I am asking the President to step aside and let me battle it out with Raila since he has made it clear he will not stand by me,” he added.

The DP has on several occasions implored President Kenyatta to remain and allow Kenyans to make their democratic choice freely.


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