President Edgar Lungu’s daughter, Tasila Lungu Mwansa says being thankful is one such aspect that distinguishes the human family from animals, she believes love is reciprocal and that a good turn of it deserves another.

While she believes that trust is earned, she also thinks it should be acknowledged, as such she would like to say thank you, and has just penned a touching letter to the Chawama family and Zambians as a whole for grooming her into a person she is today.

She says because of the support and confidence Zambians and Chawama family in particular placed in her, she now embarks on another extraordinary journey to hopefully serve them as Member of Parliament, adding that this will always be greatly appreciated.

Read her letter below:

Dear Chawama Family,

I am deeply touched and inspired by your immensely generous words of congratulations and encouragement.

It is with great humility and gratitude and with the confidence you have placed in me that I now embark on another extraordinary journey to hopefully serve you as Member of Parliament.

I wish to thank you, Honourable Lawrence Sichalwe MP for Chawama Constituency and Minister of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs for graciously preparing and guiding me. I am humbled by your support.

It has been an honour to work with you and His Worship the Mayor Miles Sampa and the wonderful team at the Lusaka City Council. To my fellow Councillors across our great nation – thank you for everything you have taught me.

To Patrick, the love of my life, you are my eternal rock! To my family, mum , dad, brothers, sisters, uncles and aunties and friends, I love you and continue to count on you. Thank you so much. God bless you all.

Tasila Lungu Mwansa

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


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