Tendai Biti demands urgent national voters roll audit, says availed copy is a “crime scene”


OUTGOING Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) Member Of Parliament Tendai Biti has described the availed current voters’ roll as a “crime scene” demanding an urgent national audit.

This comes after the CCC pointed out anomalies in the voters’ roll which the party alleges is not searchable nor analyzable.

CCC added says the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) availed a voters’ roll with small fonts and in PDF format which does not allow a comprehensive search.

The electoral body however dismissed the claims saying the roll was in such a format to avoid it being tampered with or altered.

“The current voters’ roll is not fit for a burial society election. It is a crime scene. There must be an urgent national audit of this roll signed off by all political parties.

“Zimbabwe cannot be led into an occult travesty masquerading as an election. 23 August must be a real election,” Biti said.

An electronic copy of the voters’ roll was released a few weeks back with the opposition slamming the delay which they claim gave leeway for manipulation of data in Zanu PF’s favor.- new zimbabwe


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